As Unitarians, social justice, equality and social action are close to our hearts. What better way to explore what we stand for, and with whom we stand, than through song? Join Janette, Rick and Seanna for a morning of music, with a special focus on the songs of Carolyn McDade. Nursery Care will be provided on […]
Speaker: Karen Rathwell, Guelph District Heath Coalition Karen is the current Chair for the Guelph/Wellington Coalition for Social Justice, a community group consisting of sixteen not for profits and local union groups. She has retired from a 28 year career as an educator and continues to pursue her keen interest in local and global water issues. She brings […]
We will gather from across the nation to celebrate what has brought us to this moment in making manifest our new principle: promoting “individual and communal action that accountably dismantles racism and systemic barriers to full inclusion in ourselves and our institutions.“ This is a promise worthy of this time and the fullness of our creative […]
Spring is a great time to immerse ourselves in the joys of nature, the mysteries of migrating birds, ephemeral spring wildflowers, and animals emerging to the abundance of spring. Guelph is especially blessed with the 600-acre Ignatius Jesuit Centre of farmland and forests, with seemingly endless hiking trails open to the public. Ignatius also has […]
Join Hannah Schell and some of our community's friendly new contributors as we welcome our new members, learn about them and explore the theme of belonging. If you plan to attend online, please email Holly for the link at Childcare available on site.