On Sundays

Gather with us via Zoom or in person at 11 am on Sundays. Following the service we will pause for 15 minutes, then return for a post-service discussion. Unfortunately, we will not be having Sunshine Room time in the building following the service at this time.


If you are feeling unwell, please protect others by staying home.


The service generally includes a lighting of our chalice, songs, readings, sharing of celebrations and concerns, a short talk, meditation and music.


Although the themes of our services come from many different religious, social, and cultural sources, the goal is always to deepen our spiritual understanding of ourselves, those around us, and the world in which we live.

For parents with kids, children start services with the rest of the community in the sanctuary. Mid way through they depart to take part in a lovely children’s program planned by Teah complete with a chalice lighting of their own.

Please email Holly at admin@guelph-unitarians.com for the Zoom link.