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UU PRINCIPLES 2 AND 3 Rev. Victoria Ingram Principles Two and Three Exploring the next of our UU Principles brings us to the exploration of dichotomies.  Our Principles call our congregations to covenant and affirm the values they contain - justice, equity, acceptance of one another.  But the same statements include the words compassion and encouragement for spiritual growth.  Sometimes the […]

Growing Our Roots: The History and Hope of UU

Growing Our Roots: The History and Hope of UU Rev. Victoria Ingram We continue our monthly exploration of UU history by focusing on the 8 Principles of our faith. Each month, Rev. Victoria will unpack a selection from our Principles and explain how the statement came to be included, how it has been used and interpreted, […]

Awe and the Sacred Pause

Awe and the Sacred Pause by Melina Bondy Service leader: Lisa Clendenning Science is starting to catch up on what religion has always known, that awe and wonder are good for us, maybe even vital for human flourishing. In this service we'll look at some of the research on wonder and connect it to the […]