Financial Donations
We offer you several ways to help sustain UCG financially:
Pre-authorized Donations (PADs): Monthly pre-authorized withdrawals are easy and worry-free, and allow us to plan our programs throughout the year. You can fill out this PAD form and mail it, or email to
Interac e-Transfers: To make an electronic e-Transfer contribution from your online banking system, enter The Unitarian Congregation of Guelph as the recipient name and as the recipient email address.
Canada Helps: While UCG is not set up to take credit cards as payment you can use your credit card at Canada Helps. Click the button below. Please consider adding 3.5% to cover the fees they charge.
Cheques: Can be mailed to us at 122 Harris Street, Guelph, ON N1E 5T1 or dropped off in our mailslot at the same address.
Thank-you kindly for your support for our community!
Our annual pledge drive takes place in October/November.