Thanks for a successful Flower Service and Outdoor Social

Our last service of the spring/early summer was held on June 25th.  It was one of our favourites – the Flower Service.

People were asked to bring a flower of their choice, either from their own gardens. or from the field or roadside. When they arrived at UCG, each person was asked to place their
own flower in the vase. This signified that it was by their own free will they joined with the others. The vase that contained all the flowers was a symbol of the united group.
After the service, as people left the service, they went to the vase and each took a flower from the vase other than the one that they had brought. The significance of the flower communion
is that as no two flowers are alike, so no two people are alike, yet each has a contribution to make. Together the different flowers form a beautiful bouquet. Our common bouquet would
not be the same without the unique addition of each individual flower, and thus it is with our intentional community, it would not be the same without each and every one of us.
By exchanging flowers, we show our willingness to walk together in our Search for truth, disregarding all that might divide us. Each person takes home a flower brought by someone
else – thus symbolizing our shared celebration in community. This communion of sharing is essential to a free people of a free religion of spiritual seekers.

After the service, members had a chance to visit outdoors and enjoy some of the beautiful sunshine.  Thanks to the folks who arranged the seating and refreshements.  It was wonderful to see youngsters playing, seniors chatting and many of the folks who haven’t been in the building in a while (attending services via Zoom) get a chance to visit with everyone in person.  Again, thanks to the volunteers who set up the outdoor space and made the lovely get-together possible!!